Whether you are raising money for your upcoming Living Water Trip or are asking loved ones to join you in supporting the thirsty, fundraising can be intimidating.
As a Living Water Trips coordinator, I know volunteers often suffer anxiety over fundraising for their trips because they personally cannot cover the entire cost. That’s why I want to share some creative ideas to help you fundraise in a way that suits your personality!
Pray – Before you start asking for support, I encourage you to pray. Submit your anxiety and fundraising endeavors to God. Trust that if the Lord has led you to be a part of this mission, he will guide you and provide for you. Consider offering a prayer partner sign-up. While not everyone can give financially, some can commit to supporting your trip in prayer.
Launch a fundraising page – Each volunteer receives their very own customizable fundraising page upon registration! It is already equipped with your name, the country you’re visiting, fundraising goal, countdown timer, and unique URL. These pages can be customized and easily shared via email, text message, and social media. Each time someone donates to your page, you will receive an email notifying you of your financial progress.

Write support letters – Compile a letter to email or mail to friends and family explaining your heart behind Living Water’s mission and ask them to help you share safe water and God’s love with the thirsty.
Host a trip preview party – If you don’t have time to meet individually for coffee with everyone who could help sponsor your trip, consider hosting an informational preview party at your home or at your church. Invite friends, family, and neighbors to hear about your trip and your heart behind it.
Partner with a local restaurant – Some restaurants will partner with you to raise money for a cause. They may agree to donate a percentage of their sales one night for every customer who mentions your name. While not every restaurant offers opportunities like this, I have definitely seen this work well!
Have a garage sale – Need to downsize? Get outside on a Saturday and sell your unwanted stuff! Ask your friends and family if they have items they would be willing to donate to your garage sale.
Participate in a challenge – Ask your community to give something up for a designated period of time and then donate the money they would have otherwise spent. An easy way to do this is to give up all drinks except water for a week or month.
While there are still many other fundraising ideas out there (car washes, mowing lawns, walking or washing dogs, babysitting, tutoring, offering cleaning services, selling t-shirts, etc.), I hope these simple strategies help spark your creativity!