What Pastors are saying about Living Water International

Your church is invited to engage with congregations in communities around the world that are in desperate need of safe water and God's love. Through unity, action, and compassion, you can be a powerful witness to share the Good News of Jesus and help end the water crisis for 703 million people worldwide.

Contact Us
What is your role at your church?
    1. For 35 years, we have partnered closely with the Church in all its forms—national and district networks, as well as local congregations—to mobilize and empower them as leaders in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects. Through this partnership, the Church transcends divisions to demonstrate love for neighbors in need, unite for a common purpose, minister to the unreached through both the Word and deed, and address pressing social issues. Guided by our holistic approach, Living Water’s WASH projects serve all people, regardless of religious affiliation. 
    2. Living Water focuses on designated regions within a country where the need for water is most critical, rather than simply drilling wells in scattered locations. This strategic approach is known as a WASH Program Area (WPA). Through the WPA model, we commit to working in a specific geographical area for 5–7 years, allowing our teams to build meaningful relationships that drive lasting transformation. By embedding deeply within these regions, we establish partnerships with local governments, collect comprehensive data on all projects and activities, develop sustainable water sources and complex water systems, promote long-term hygiene behavior change, and strengthen relationships with local church leaders. Through these efforts, we expand God’s Kingdom by fostering ongoing discipleship and community impact. 
    3. We use a holistic development model called Flourish that addresses the core relationships with God, ourselves, others, and the rest of creation. Read an in-depth document about the Flourish process HERE, or get a quick 1-page overview pictorial of the process HERE
    4. Learn more about what makes Living Water International so unique HERE
Actually, we don’t choose them, they choose us! Early on, we discern what part of each country to work in with input from national church networks (e.g. denominations, evangelical alliances, etc.). Then when we launch a new WASH Program Area (WPA) in that location and invite all the churches in the area to participate in a program that will last 5 to 7 years. The churches that are most willing and eager to step up become our initial church partners. Others often join in later as they see the program building momentum. 
Living Water International is not a church planting organization, but at times we have seen new churches emerge from our work. The work we do naturally strengthens the witness of the local church in their immediate context. And because we work primarily in and through local churches, we encourage pastors to look beyond their own communities and see where new churches and water points can be established. Sometimes a new water project can become a “beachhead” for planting a church in a new community. 

Core Investment Countries:

  • Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic & Haiti, South Asia

Partner Programs:

  • Ghana, Peru, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, Mexico

We offer churches and individuals the opportunity to serve alongside our in-country teams each year to our Latin American, Caribbean, and African countries. More information about Living Water Trips can be found HERE.  

We select areas to work based on a number of factors, including: 

    1. Where the need is the greatest for clean water. 
    2. Where there are local church pastors who will network and collaborate together to champion the work in their communities. 
    3. Where national and local municipality leaders will support the work. 

Living Water measures its success based on measurable results. When we start a WASH program we take a baseline survey, assess mid-way, and at the end we assess increased access to safe water and changes in hygiene practices. We also measure perceptions of the local church. There is a lot that goes into Living Water programs every day around the globe. Sometimes, the full scope of our work can be intimidating to understand, so we’re here to break it down for you. Read about the technical side of the results HERE

The average cost to bring clean water is $50/person/year. This usually means that safe water is made available to communities so that the maximum distance anyone has to walk is less than 15 minutes each way to obtain safe, clean water. The actual costs, however, may vary across regions due to the cost of materials and labor. 

This is a great and popular question! The short answer is, “It depends!” The actual cost of a new water point varies based on many factors. For example, the type of system (a simple hand pump verses a complex water system), the depth of the well, whether it takes multiple attempts to reach water, how many people the project will serve, and many other factors. In addition, the process and strategy for each new water system includes efforts to mobilize local municipality leadership, church pastors, and community water committees. The development of unity across these multiple sectors can take up to an entire year’s effort. Therefore, the cost of projects range from $15,000 to $90,000, or more.