Linking Arms With Our Global Neighbors

Kalamazoo, MI

Join us for a special time of appreciation, celebration, and inspiration and learn how together, we can demonstrate God’s love to those who thirst.

Dr. Mike Mantel, President and CEO, and our Southeast Asia Program Director will leave you inspired with a vision of how the loving and unified body of Christ is uniquely equipped to end the global water crisis while proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through integral mission.

We will celebrate how hundreds of churches around the world continue to link arms across the lines that divide us – to love our neighbors through collective action fulfilling the great commission in word and deed. Come be refueled with fresh ideas and meet new friends.

May 4, 2023
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Renovation Church

1715 W Centre Ave.

Portage, MI 49024

We look forward to seeing you on May 4th!

*all tables seat 10 people

Count me in!

You will receive more details as the event approaches, but please hold this important date on your calendar!