Join Us in Bringing Clean Water to Horizon Zimbabwe!

Horizon Zimbabwe, a faith-based NGO situated on the outskirts of Harare, has been a beacon of hope for orphaned and homeless children, most of whom have lost their parents to the devastating effects of AIDS. Founded by Pastor Tatenda Gunguwo and led by him and his wife Lucia, this ministry has been a lifeline for those in need.

Before the pandemic, Horizon Zimbabwe provided a home and education for up to 350 orphans, and despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the enrollment is gradually climbing back up from a low of 125. The impact of their work is evident, with numerous children advancing to university and contributing to church ministries and community leadership. Some have even pursued international internships, building successful careers.

However, the lack of a reliable and sanitary water source poses a significant challenge. The current water supply is drawn from a community source, making it both unreliable and unsuitable for consumption. The water, when available, is transported in buckets over a considerable distance to reach the children and staff. Despite being boiled twice, the water remains cloudy and questionable.

Support a safe water project to provide these children with a basic necessity. Your donation, no matter the size, will make a meaningful impact on their lives.