
Children suffer from unsafe water—your gift ensures they grow strong physically and spiritually.

About Honduras

With a history of providing safe water, hygiene training, and sharing the gospel since 1998, Living Water International has been an integral part of improving lives in Honduras. In 2017, Living Water International-Honduras became an affiliate subsidiary to broaden its impact. We primarily serve the South of Honduras, one of the most vulnerable areas, especially during the dry summer months. Our mission is clear: to provide communities with safe water, educate them on hygiene and sanitation, and empower churches to fulfill their integral mission of caring for both the physical and spiritual needs of their communities.


Our work

Our work primarily unfolds in the southern regions of Honduras, an area known for its vulnerability, especially during the arid summer months when severe droughts plague the region. Our mission here is clear and resolute: to provide communities with safe water access, educate them on essential hygiene and sanitation practices, and empower local churches to embrace their pivotal role in addressing both the physical and spiritual needs of their communities. At Living Water International, we firmly believe in holistic care, recognizing that true well-being encompasses not only physical health but also spiritual fulfillment.

9.9 million



Lack access to safe water


Lack access to improved sanitation
Our approach is rooted in community collaboration. We work directly with communities to provide safe water through various solutions like water wells. This collaborative effort empowers local leaders and creates an environment conducive to long-term well sustainability. We believe that success starts with proper preparation. We mobilize communities, select water point locations, and establish the type of system needed. Volunteers from Living Water Trips, along with our dedicated staff, work alongside community members to construct the water point, fostering a deep understanding of the profound impact of safe water on a community. Rigorous water testing ensures the quality of water, and we establish water committees to guarantee ongoing services.
Sustaining physical health hinges on adopting and maintaining healthy habits. Our hygiene lessons engage all community members, students, and staff to participate in hygiene and sanitation education, encouraging the adoption of improved practices. Communities are empowered to develop and execute their own plans for improvement. The program also offers creative lessons with crafts and games to reinforce the core messages. All hygiene and sanitation programs run in tandem with water point construction and are available to the entire community, local health clinics, and schools.
Working hand in hand with local churches enables us to not only demonstrate but also proclaim the gospel. Safe water and improved sanitation services become vehicles for social action and faith-sharing. Our staff collaborates closely with local churches to conduct workshops, empowering congregations to mobilize individual community churches. We provide WASH training, orality workshops, Bible storytelling, and leadership training. This equips church members to share their faith through example and storytelling, fostering positive change within communities. Regular opportunities to share Biblical truths connected to healthy living are integrated into hygiene and sanitation training, and the gospel is presented at each water point dedication.
Our vision is to see churches champion WASH initiatives as a ministry in the name of our Lord. We provide training for community leaders, including pastors, on contextual Bible storytelling and evangelism techniques. We strengthen the leadership capacity of evangelical leaders and support local churches in organizing evangelism events. All our water points incorporate gospel-sharing sessions, exposing communities to the gospel and facilitating discussions.

Sadoc Aguilar

Country Director

Long-Term Goal / Vision

In the upcoming program plan, Living Water International-Honduras will continue to contribute to the physical and spiritual well-being of people in the South of Honduras, specifically in the municipality of Choluteca, where water and sanitation needs remain significant. By facilitating access to clean water, educating on hygiene and sanitation, and mobilizing local churches for community development, we aim to enhance the overall health and spirituality of the South Honduran population. Our work will be conducted in partnership with local governments, communities, institutions, and other NGOs, fostering a brighter future for all.

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