Proclaiming God’s love through the gospel. Demonstrating God’s love because of the gospel.

For this month's CONNECTION:

When integral mission is incorporated into the ministry of churches, transformation begins to occur physically, socially, and spiritually. Messages of God’s love becomes more tangible when vulnerable people, like those suffering without safe water, witness the hands and feet of Christ at work.

At Living Water, we develop holistic, long-term partnerships with local churches around the world – not just as an avenue for proclaiming the gospel, but for the global church to become agents of change through an integral mission approach. Through these partnerships, churches are empowered to take on a leadership role within their own communities and envision a future that allows for a thriving community, filled with people who are given the opportunity to flourish to their fullest potential.

Through integral mission, the ministry of the local church is strengthened not only in their Christian witness, but in the outcomes of Living Water programs that provide safe water access, hygiene, and sanitation. With these foundational pillars people are equipped to continue to arise and take action in creating brighter futures!

We’ve seen these testimonies of integral mission at work around the globe!

“We had the privilege of welcoming Living Water International when they came to conduct a training on integral mission and the role that the church plays in ensuring that they are active agents in achieving this. When it comes to issues of development, churches are mostly left out as they are not seen as entities that can positively help foster development and sustainability.”
“Because of the borehole, people no longer have to walk long distances to fetch water and have time to attend church service. Because of the (integral mission) training, members have started embracing positive drivers of change that facilitate community development.”
"We have utilized Bible Storying trainings in growing our church members and the school which is now being run by the church. WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) activities have become a common and vital practice at the school, church, and household level through the emphasis of the trainings and hands-on learning of the participatory workshops done by Living Water at our parish."
“Church leaders are embracing the totality of their mission to transform communities through innovative gospel proclamation methods and are making hygiene and sanitation promotion a key part of every church activity.”
"People who never thought that God would send them a solution have their realities changed thanks to the work of Agua Viva (Living Water partner in El Salvador). Julio (community member) knelt in front of the new well, observing that his dream had been fulfilled. But above all, that God exists and the proof that he had needed was to see the miracle of the water."
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Jonathan and Lindani

Listen to a discussion between Living Water International colleagues on the topic of integral mission and how Living Water incorporates this concept into our daily work.

Featuring Chief Operating Officer, Jonathan Wiles and Lindani Dube, Director of Church and Community Mobilization for Africa.

Interested in hearing more of this discussion? Click here to listen to the full conversation!


Read the scripture passage, pray, and reflect on the concept of integral mission on your own or with a group.


READ: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

PRAY: Dear God, we pray for churches around the world – both large and small as they work to expand your kingdom and share your love in both word and deed. We thank you for the connections being made through the global church community to create a thriving and united Body of Christ. We ask for your continued protection and strength to those who are serving vulnerable people to bring safe water, improved health, equal opportunities, and a brighter and more fulfilling future. Help us to recognize the opportunities that we have in our own families and church communities to make a difference in the lives of the thirsty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. Discuss what it looks like to have a thriving church – on both a local and global scale.
  2. What vision do you or your church community have when it comes to serving vulnerable people around the world?
  3. Take time to pray for the church leaders in your own community.


Connect your church to Living Water’s work around the world! Start the journey of fulfilling your church’s mission today by visiting!






Proclaiming God’s love through the gospel. Demonstrating God’s love because of the gospel.


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