For this month's CONNECTION:
- Listen to an audio reading from Sierra Leone
- Learn more about the impact that lack of safe water, sanitation, and hygiene has on children’s education and safety—particularly on young girls.

While artistic license has been taken to tell this story from a student’s perspective, both Miss Isatu and the events in this audio reading are based on a real story of impact depicted by Living Water Sierra Leone.
Did you know?
- UNICEF reported that at least 1 in 10 women and girls in rural areas lacked a private place to wash and change during their last period.
- More than 5 billion people still lack basic sanitation services, such as private toilets, according to the World Health Organization.
- Sierra Leone’s Deputy Minister of Basic and Secondary Education estimates that, despite a decade of progress, 20 percent of girls in Sierra Leone still do not attend school during menstruation due to inadequate water access, sanitation, and menstrual hygiene management education.