Here at Living Water’s Houston-area office, we love having visitors. Some days that means sharing “The Story of the Thirsty” with a group of students or engaging with old and new friends who want to learn more about our global organization. We also get very excited to welcome our in-country staff visiting Texas from countries like Haiti or Rwanda.
But for World Water Day, we get to do all of this and more! On March 23, hundreds of runners from Houston and across the country will lace up and run the World Water Day 5K. And for the first time, we’re bringing the 5K home to our office in Stafford, Texas.

This year’s race will raise funds for one of the first safe water projects in Plaine-du-Nord, Haiti—where Living Water is launching a new WASH (water access, sanitation, and hygiene) Program Area. Eddy Etienne from our Haiti team will be here to meet you and to share what it’s like to provide water in Jesus’ name for his thirsty neighbors.
After the 5K, the fun will continue with an open house. There will be music, food, and stations where you can learn more about your impact. We’ll also be running “The Story of the Thirsty” tours—an interactive exhibit that explores how the global water crisis affects children around the world.

We hope you’ll celebrate World Water Day with us wherever you live! While many of us will be gathering here in Houston, others across the United States will be running for the thirsty with their communities or churches in the virtual 5K.
If you’re interested in running, visiting, or donating to Living Water’s work in Haiti, you can learn more at