Creating sustainable change for entire regions.

For this month's CONNECTION:

Terms to Know

Borehole – a deep, narrow hole made in the ground, in this case, to locate water
Complex Water System – water systems that consist of one or multiple water sources that are delivered through pipes, include a water storage tank, and water treatment units
Hygiene ­– practices, like regular handwashing, to maintain health and prevent diseases
Sanitation – conditions related to public health such as safe drinking water and sewage disposal
Simple Water System ­– water systems which deliver to users at the source using minimal piping such as a borehole with a handpump
WASH – acronym that stands for water, sanitation, and hygiene
Water Access – access to an improved water source such as piped water or borehole, within a 30-minute round trip for the user
WPA – WASH Program Area

In 2012, Living Water International developed an innovative program model to better tackle the water, sanitation, and hygiene crisis and to increase our connections to churches around the globe! For years, we focused on constructing simple water systems using a project-based mindset with no long-term investment in a specific area. But in 2012, everything changed!

Living Water shifted our approach to root ourselves more deeply into the regions where we work. We wanted to form stronger partnerships with local governments, drill deeper and more complex water systems, change hygiene behaviors for better health over long periods of time, and form stronger relationships with local church leaders to expand God’s kingdom through disciple work. This new model is now known as a WASH Program Area (WPA).

The WPA model focuses on implementing programs that improve the physical, spiritual, and social health of communities located in a focused district, county, or ward. Over a period of 3-5 years, WASH Program Areas transform the lives of 30,000-70,000 women, men, and children, depending on the size of the region!

Through these years, we carry out programs that mobilize churches to be leaders in their own communities, empower community members to take ownership of WASH activities, provide safe water access, improve sanitation and hygiene behaviors, and share God’s love by being the hands and feet of Christ.

Journey alongside a community within one of Living Water’s WASH Program Areas to experience every step of their transformation to thrive both physically and spiritually. Click below!

After assessing the results of our first WPAs launched in Haiti, Nicaragua, Uganda, and Zambia, it’s clear that WASH services have greatly improved since shifting from our previous programmatic strategy. More importantly, the transformation that has occurred is more sustainable because of our long-term presence and the role that community members take on as leaders dedicated to continuing making positive changes! To read more about the success of our completed WASH Program Areas, click here!


Read the scripture passage, pray, and reflect on the story on your own or with a group.


READ: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV

PRAY: Thank you God for giving us the passion to be your hands and feet here on earth. Help us to have more compassion, more kindness, and more generosity as we reach out to our sisters and brother who are in need. We are all a part of your kingdom. We pray that your love can shine through our works to quench the physical thirsts of those who need safe water and for those who thirst for your spiritual water of life.


Living Water currently has WASH Program Areas located in Rwanda, Uganda, Liberia, Mexico, Haiti, Zambia, and Sierra Leone. To find out how you, your church, or community can be a part of this long-term work, email info@water.cc.





“…just as water invokes a seed to change; soon water was going to call on me to transform as well.”


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