Our approach ensures sustainable access to quality water by constructing and rehabilitating water sources such as boreholes, pumps, wells, and upgrade water systems. We assess each community’s specific needs and prioritize gravity-fed systems where electricity is inconsistent. Our goal is to provide clean water to those in need, meeting the quantity and quality requirements demanded by the Dominican state.
Beyond safe water, good health relies on hygiene practices. We promote hygiene through education, reaching individuals and households with gender-sensitive, community-based programs. Our initiatives include community and school health clubs, direct hygiene messages, community events, and the distribution of educational materials. We also address sanitation issues, encouraging behavioral change related to defecation practices and environmental management.
We collaborate closely with local churches, recognizing their influential role in community development. As a Christian organization, we leverage our reputation to build trust and foster collaboration. Our staff consider themselves instruments of God’s work, ready to tackle challenges and promote sustainability.
Our vision is to see churches champion WASH initiatives as a ministry in the name of our Lord. We provide training for community leaders, including pastors, on contextual Bible storytelling and evangelism techniques. We strengthen the leadership capacity of evangelical leaders and support local churches in organizing evangelism events. All our water points incorporate gospel-sharing sessions, exposing communities to the gospel and facilitating discussions.