As the world moves into a new normal, we reignite feelings of hope sparked by re-engaging and reconnecting with our neighbors at home and across the world. 

The COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, and global conflicts have continued to present a landscape of volatility and uncertainty in our world. Through all of this, God’s faithfulness has remained constant and so has our dedication to providing water, for life, in Jesus’ name to our neighbors in need around the world. 

Through these unrelenting challenges, we’ve witnessed God’s undeniable faithfulness via the dedicated energy of our staff and the generosity of our supporters. We know that God is calling all of us to do more for his Kingdom. Living Water is answering that call by looking to the future. In fiscal year 2022, we committed to a year-long process of prayer, discernment, envisioning, and planning that involved our staff around the world, board members, and neighbors culminating in the creation of Overflow 25—a new strategic plan to guide us from fiscal year 2023 to fiscal year 2025. 

This fiscal year, we also reaffirmed our commitment to co-labor with the Church as we continue the vital work of uniting and raising up leaders in the body of Christ. We continued to provide safe water, the living water, and improved sanitation to our neighbors around the world. We are overjoyed by our supporters who did not let the challenges of a global pandemic keep them from connecting with others through generosity. 

Through God’s faithfulness and your expressions of his love, Kingdom transformation is occurring around the world. We look to the future with hope knowing that, as Galatians 6:9 (NIV) encourages us, we need not “grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 

May the following stories of hope and transformation inspire you to keep engaging, connecting, and inviting others into the grand narrative of God’s redemptive story for creation. 

Section 1: Transformation

We celebrate stories of Kingdom transformation as our global neighbors flourish physically, spiritually, and socially through the power of water, for life, in Jesus’ name.

Your Impact

Thank you for supporting your neighbors around the world with the gift of water, for life, in Jesus’ name! Because of your generosity this fiscal year, 303,434 of your global neighbors gained improved access to water through 497 new simple water systems, 98 piped systems, and 260 simple rehabilitations. They also experienced the living water through 2,020 church and community mobilization activities that trained 47,727 people. Through the dedicated efforts of our global staff, 315,418 people heard the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. 87,231 community members learned that God cares for their whole being through 3,280 sanitation and hygiene activities.

All of this was possible because of your steadfast support. We could not do this transformative work without you!

Water, For Life, in Jesus' Name

Your generosity is changing lives all over the world. Three community members share the stories of your impact on their lives.

“From a very young age, I helped my mother fetch water. Then I watched helplessly as my daughter walked the same path as me, often going to bed tired and exhausted from fetching water from different locations. The daily struggle to find water affected our physical and emotional health, and we lived a life of hopelessness. When Living Water gave us water, they also gave us a sense of freedom! Freedom from begging others for water, a lack of time, unhealthy lives, and poor living conditions. My daughter does not have to go out to fetch water anymore. The gift of safe water and hygiene classes helped us offer better lives for the next generation in our community!”
­—Kripita, South Asia

“I am grateful for Living Water’s WASH-related trainings from which I gained the knowledge, attitudes, and hygiene practices that eventually led me to construct a latrine. Now I’m confident and proud that if I receive a visitor at my home, they will have access to sanitary infrastructure to meet basic needs. I’m also relieved that now my kids cannot slip and fall in the previous pit we used to use as a toilet. I’m very grateful to Living Water International for their contributions. They made me stronger, purposeful, and determined to construct my own latrines. I will never go back to poor sanitation-related behaviors again.”
—Oliva, Rwanda

“Before we worked with Living Water International on the well rehabilitation project, we served solely within our four walls, focused only on the spiritual needs
of our congregation. We did not know how to share the message of salvation with the entire population by putting into practice the work of integral mission. During the water project, we realized that our church also needed to attend to the physical needs of the community at-large. Now, we managed to identify
and address their physical and spiritual needs. Other churches have also become involved. We are working together so that our community continues developing. Before, we did not have the acceptance of the community, and now the residents see the church as a fundamental and important part of the community.”

Safe Water for All

Pursuing excellence and sustainability through diversified water projects

Living Water International is committed to finding the most effective solution to provide safe water to thirsty communities. Living Water staff in each country select appropriate and affordable solutions with communities based on their local and national contexts, geography, and hydrogeology. Living Water pursues holistic WASH programming through proven practices that work toward the physical, spiritual, and social flourishing of all people.

In addition to maximizing the number of people reached with safe water, Living Water also considers which types of water systems are most sustainable. Our field staff members consider geological and topographical data to determine the feasibility of a project and predict drilling methodology. This means that our country offices work closely with local governments and engineers to become experts on which types of projects will best provide long-term water access in specific areas.

This approach reflects our commitment to the biblical mandate to be good stewards of resources and to encourage communities’ development.

In some instances, Living Water partners with municipalities and with nonprofit organizations to install gravity fed water systems that cover miles of land, reaching multiple communities. This provides an eco-friendly solution for widespread, sustainable water access. Systems like this help improve health and hygiene on a regional level, maximizing our impact. 

In other cases, Living Water may choose to install a complex or piped water system based on the needs of the community members. Types of piped water systems include gravity fed distribution or submersible pumps powered by the sun, diesel, or even wind. Research suggests that piped systems may be a more sustainable solution to the water crisis than hand pumps. They can be further extended to reach households, healthcare facilities, schools, and neighboring communities. One piped water system can reach up to 5,000 people—the equivalent impact of 14 hand pumps! 

In all communities where Living Water implements water projects, the field staff help communities establish water committees and nominate water caretakers who take the lead in stewarding their new water source. The committee members remain in contact with Living Water about their wells’ functionality and also manage funds raised through fees to cover the cost of maintenance for their wells. In this way, sustainable water access is a community-led initiative that mobilizes and empowers natural leaders!

A wonderful example of a water system designed with the community’s needs in mind is the Twatasha Community School in Zambia, which provides education to children with disabilities. Since using a standard hand pump would be difficult for many of the children, Living Water Zambia installed a piped water system with accessible, wheelchair-friendly access points. 

Installing diverse water systems is key to Living Water’s mission to provide sustainable WASH solutions for all people. Our plans for sustainable safe water systems help foster WASH improvements that meet the challenges and opportunities presented by the diverse geographical and social contexts in which we work, maximizing the impact of safe water in communities, districts, and regions around the world. 

Equipping Local Pastors to Flourish

Living Water partners with Global on Demand School of Ministry (GODSOM) to bolster communities and churches with easily accessible, free, online theological training through GODSOM University. This began in the fall of 2019 when the founders and current president from the online seminary went on a Living Water vision trip to Kenya. While there, they witnessed how Living Water utilized the already established Kenyan church network to empower communities with safe water and the Gospel. GODSOM leadership recognized its unique ability to contribute to this work by providing much-needed pastoral training for rural church leaders and began to partner with Living Water to provide training to local pastors.

Three years later, over 500 local Kenyan pastors are engaging with the GODSOM curriculum. Furthermore, GODSOM constructed a physical training hub to help rural communities overcome technological hurdles. This training center, along with several partner churches, have wireless connections and printing facilities. Here, pastors can learn, download lessons, upload homework, and take tests as they work towards their certifications and degrees. 

In addition, pastors can complete their work on their own time, at home, without an internet connection. Courses range in a variety of topics, from church planting and evangelism to pastoral care and prayer. This allows pastors the freedom to choose which classes are most pertinent to their congregations and wider communities. 

Every project that Living Water completes follows this same guiding principle—mobilizing pre-existing leaders and churches for WASH-focused development. Our Flourish church mobilization program model recognizes the agency and capability of community members and focuses on supplying tools for neighbors to help neighbors. As we continue our work around the world, our partnership with GODSOM gives us a glimpse into the unity God has called us to and creates a cohesive bridge between the intersection of church mobilization, community development, and WASH interventions.

Building Skills

Changing regions through skill development in sanitation

Living Water International mobilizes communities across the world to attain Open Defecation Free (ODF) status, enabling them to experience the dignity and health benefits of basic sanitation and hygiene services. When communities are ready to take ownership of their health in this way, Living Water demonstrates how to construct household latrines and handwashing stations from locally available materials. Living Water also builds latrines for institutions like schools, churches, and health care facilities, even training local masons or artisans in latrine construction to inspire further community-led improvements.

Without a municipal sewage system, communities and institutions in the Keembe WASH Program Area of Zambia often relied on open pits or open defecation for their sanitation needs. Since latrines were rarely built in the area, local masons often had limited technical knowledge on how to soundly construct hygienic latrines. Such unstable structures frequently collapsed. This problem was particularly difficult for schools in the area. 

Everything changed when Living Water began to construct and improve sanitation facilities for institutions within the Keembe WPA. 

Living Water began work by partnering with communities to construct four latrines at the Nanswinsa Primary School and six latrines at the Musoka Primary School. These latrines also featured bathing rooms for the girls, urinals for the boys, and two stalls designed with hand rails and raised seats for children with disabilities. Not only did this change the lives of the students, but it also impacted the local masons who were involved. 

Albert Kapopo worked on these projects with Living Water. He said, “I did not have any idea about proper latrine planning and construction because that was not in my area of expertise. Living Water trained us on the proper methods of constructing latrines that do not collapse, using materials from the community. This has not only helped me develop my skills more, but it has also been a steady source of income for my family.”

Albert uses the skills he learned from Living Water to construct latrines and help more schools like Nanswinsa Primary School and Musoka Primary School. He has also taken it upon himself to train others in his community to build proper latrines. 

“Living Water International is doing a commendable job,” Albert said. “You are empowering community members so that, even after you leave, we can use the skills we have gained to continue working not only in our community but elsewhere.”

Section 2: Connection

Through generosity, we create meaningful connections to our neighbors at home and across the world, deepening our unity as the body of Christ.

Living Stones Churches

Partnering in ministry

Since 2010, Living Stones Churches has partnered with Living Water International to provide safe water and the living water of Christ to their neighbors around the world. Their partnership began when they were a church plant and has now grown to include eight church campuses acrosss Nevada. They continually create new and engaging opportunities to keep their church community engaged and educated about the water crisis.

Senior Pastor Craig Parish explained why Living Stones Churches has such a deep connection to Living Water. He said, “As an aspect of our world mission mercy strategy, it was important for us to be a partner in ministry, not just a donor. Living Water’s focus on community ownership of water projects, partnership and support of local churches and pastors, hygiene trainings, and accountability through the impact reports are all things that have fostered trust and alignment of our values.”

Living Stones Churches has created many opportunities for the entire church to be involved in solving the water crisis. Members of Living Stones Churches have led a number of teams on Living Water Trips to visit communities that received safe water because of their generosity. The Trips team members then acted as visionaries and shared stories of impact with the church once they returned.

Living Stones Churches often invites its members to experience what life is like without access to sufficient safe water. Most recently, this has included Walk For Water campaigns where volunteers walked two and a half miles to fetch and carry five gallons of water. The experience was captured on video and shared with the entire church body to raise awareness of the everyday reality of neighbors in need across the world.

Another initiative challenged volunteers to live on five gallons of water a day for five days. The volunteers began each day with a 30-minute walk before the water could be used. They then had to calculate and ration their water consumption. This was a major eye-opener for the church, highlighting the realities of the water crisis.

Living Stones Churches also engaged and educated the congregation’s children about the water crisis. With this knowledge, the children decided to sell hot cocoa with the proceeds going toward providing safe water. The “Hot Cocoa For Water” fundraiser provided a tangible opportunity for children to make an impact on the water crisis and practice service to their neighbors.

Pastor Craig has also seen that the opportunity to fund wells and help complete projects has benefited the church as a whole. He said, “Members of Living Stones rejoice in seeing wells drilled and the Gospel preached. Thank you for letting us partner in God’s glory around the world and ministering to our global neighbors in Jesus’ name.”

Maleah Preston

Celebrates a Decade of Running for the Thirsty

Every year for the last decade, Maleah Preston has participated in the Chevron Houston Marathon to benefit Living Water International. Maleah trains for months to be able to push her body to its limits, running either the half or the full marathon with 42 other Team Living Water runners. Though race day marks the culmination of her hard work, full of excitement and nerves, Maleah feels that her training leading up to each race has impacted her the most. Training during Houston’s sweltering summers makes her feel connected to her global neighbors that walk for water daily.

“Perspective changes everything,” she explained, “When I’m feeling tired and thirsty at mile 20, I visualize the women and children who walk miles every single day for water. You can really push yourself when you realize how blessed you are.”

Maleah raised over $25,000 this year alone! Since her first run in 2012, Maleah has raised over $125,000 for communities without safe water, and she is not planning to hang up her running shoes anytime soon. When asked how long she plans to keep her yearly race tradition alive, she said, “I want to run as long as my body lets me.”

Maleah attributes her endurance to the support of her community. Whether it’s her fellow Team Living Water runners, her friends who financially support her, or her family refilling her water during a long run, Maleah feels bolstered by her support system. In the same way, she hopes that her neighbors in vulnerable communities feel supported and loved knowing they are cared for by their sisters and brothers in Christ around the world.

A Family on Mission

Each year, the owners of Mission Realty, Ryan and Denise Pagano, give a percentage of their company’s profits to Living Water International. The faithful contributions of the North Carolina-based real estate business have funded at least one water project a year in Central America. The company also spreads awareness about the water crisis and Living Water to their clients through events, social media, and fundraising initiatives.

Ryan Pagano first learned about Living Water International in 2017 and began to give a portion of his real estate commissions toward funding safe water projects. He went on a Living Water Trip to Guatemala in 2018 and eventually formed Mission Realty with his mother, Denise, in 2020.

Together, they work with three international organizations that share their mission to serve people and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Ryan said, “Ultimately, you’re not just living this life to make a buck or collect as much stuff as you can but to meet others’ needs across the world and even locally. Our calling is to make disciples, to love God, and to love people.”

Denise also appreciates the way that following this mission has connected their family. From her daughter, Shawna, who came up with the idea of Mission Realty, to her son, Ryan, with whom she combined businesses, the whole family participates in generosity. Denise said, “It really is, across the board, an entire family event. It has been a way for us to really feel like we are living our mission.”

Ryan agreed by saying, “It’s just an amazing thing to be able to play a small part in what the Lord is doing here and everywhere.”

Section 3: Invitation

We invite you into the story of how we fuel Kingdom transformation, knowing we will all be transformed in the process through the relationships, resources, and direction God provides.

Partnering with The Helmsley Charitable Trust

Living Water International is grateful to be partnering with The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust to bring safe water and improved sanitation to the Chipata Wash Program Area (WPA) of Zambia. Helmsley aligns with our holistic approach to Water Access, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) as well as our aspiration to pursue the physical, spiritual and social flourishing of all people.

Helmsley is a “global philanthropy committed to helping people live better lives today and creating stronger, healthier futures for individuals and communities, no matter where they call home.” They partner with people and organizations to increase access to health care and advance new research and ideas across six program areas, including funding holistic approaches to ensure the well-being of vulnerable children and their families in sub-Saharan Africa.

This includes Zambia where Living Water completed the design for the Chipata WPA in fiscal year 2022. It is estimated that the Chipata WPA will reach 265,00 people over six years. Through a generous grant from Helmsley, Living Water began the implementation stage of the Chipata WPA in fiscal year 2021. This grant will provide funding for three years, enabling Living Water to reach an estimated 58,000 Zambians through our integrated WASH program. This will include mobilizing churches and communities, promoting hygiene and sanitation, and increasing water and sanitation services.

To date, Living Water and Helmsley have provided over 162 water projects, reaching 47,028 people with safe water. Living Water Zambia in Chipata has also constructed 15 sanitation facilities and 30 handwashing stations. The Living Water staff has conducted 381 sanitation and hygiene promotion activities and 162 WASH-related church trainings. Our staff was able to reach these milestones despite supply chain delays on drilling equipment and the COVID-19 pandemic.

This vital work took place in rural areas of the Chipata district, a region in eastern Zambia, where WASH services were desperately needed. One of the communities served was Liondo Village. There, 47-year-old Dunson Mbuzi lives with his family. Before the Living Water project began, his child fell into a hand-dug well and drowned while trying to gather water for their family. Dunson said, “I’m comforted by the fact that the tragedy that came upon my family will never have to be experienced by anyone else because today we have a solution. We don’t have to worry that a child may be in danger whenever they simply want to quench their thirst. Now it is safe, and we can go pump water and not fear.”

Protecting the vulnerable and providing better lives for an entire region through sustainable holistic care are precisely what this partnership between Living Water and Helmsley is accomplishing every day. We look forward to the continued support of the Helmsley Trust and the far-reaching impact of our work together. We are so proud to call the Helmsley Charitable Trust our partner!

Introducing Overflow 25

Momentum to power the mission

Over the last year, our staff around the world, board members, and neighbors came together to pray, learn, envision, plan, test, and create, resulting in a focused strategic plan that will guide us into fiscal year 25. We call this strategic plan Overflow 25.

Over the last year, our staff around the world, board members, and neighbors came together to pray, learn, envision, plan, test, and create, resulting in a focused strategic plan that will guide us into fiscal year 25. We call this strategic plan Overflow 25.Scripture uses the word “overflow” to describe provision and abundance. We are believing and planning for an abundant provision of resources and engagement, which will provide momentum to power our mission. This will subsequently lead to an overflow of Kingdom transformation in the world.

We began this process by identifying the purpose behind our strategy. This is called our winning aspiration. It is: “For the global Christian community to pursue the physical, spiritual, and social flourishing of all people who lack basic WASH services. We will fuel this into the next generation by innovating holistic, sustainable WASH programs and high-quality relational experiences.”

The power of this strategy comes through partnership. We will co-labor with the Church in a shared mission—to see our neighbors around the world transform their relationships with God, themselves, others, and the rest of creation.

We recognize that when we develop the mindsets and capabilities to know and deeply listen to our neighbors, we are able to serve them better.

This neighbor-centric focus will not only allow us to continually improve our strategy, but also help us build a more demographically and generationally diverse community of supporters united to serve our global neighbors.

We will look to four guiding positions as we serve our neighbors. These include:

  1. Co-laboring with the global Church, walking with the Church as our primary partner to demonstrate and proclaim the gospel.
  2. Implementing holistic WASH programs for all, reaching overlooked and excluded people with sustainable solutions.
  3. Deepening the engagement between supporters and communities to bring people together through relational experiences.
  4. Growing mission-aligned private funding to innovate so that we can emerge from the pandemic stronger.

We believe that by investing our time, energy, and funding into these four areas we will create a “virtuous cycle” of activities that reinforce one another, building speed and momentum over time to generate significant Kingdom transformation.

The positions also provide a foundation for a roadmap of action steps designed to help achieve Overflow 25’s strategic objectives. While many actions have been envisioned, we are purposefully leaving room to adapt and remain agile in the diverse and often volatile environments in which we operate.

We plan to invest heavily in Engagement capacity in year one of our three-year plan, while aligning our Programs for the greatest impact. Additional investment in Programs will follow in subsequent years. We are excited to begin the Overflow 25 journey and invite you into this story of momentum to power the mission!

Revenue & Expenses

Financials 22

Read Entire FY22 Annual Report